20 de octubre de 2009

MI LIFE IN USA - 21/10/2009

Tuesday we had an ''early release day", this day we left class 10:30 and then we went to the outlets.

Wednesday we had "shadow day" and in the evening all de spanish people went to a " charla" in which only spanish is spoken.

Thursday we wento to Plymouth where the first settlers arrived and we saw one Indian and one American village of the time.

Friday, "shadow day" again, it was a boring day, but in the afernoon I played with Alejandro, Daniel and Rodrigo Sing Star and Guitar Hero.

Saturday I had free day and I woke up at 11 and I went to a mall. In the evening I went with Alejandro, Rodrigo, Nicole, Val ( Rodrigo's host) and Val's sister to Gilette Stadium to see a soccer game of the Revolution team, the team of Boston.

Sunday and Monday we stayed in NY, I did a lot of things. First we went to shopping in the 5th Avenue, then we did a little tour to NY by bus and in the evening we went to to see a musical in Brodway, Shrek, and we saw Times Square. The second day we went Liberty Island, Brooklin bridge and we stayed in the MoMA, Musseum of Modern Art. We returned to Milford at 10 pm.

Tuesday we had another " Shadow day" and in the afternnon we saw a soccer game in the High School and we went to de biggest mall in Massachusetts!

Today we went to see the Mansions of Newport and we returned to Milford at 5 pm. This afternnon I bought a pumpkin and I decorated too.

Good bye and have a nive day!

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