24 de octubre de 2009

MI LFE IN USA - 25/10/2009

Thursday, we went to Boston. We did The Freedon Trail, that is a small tour of Boston. After we went to The Boston Statehouse and finally we wneto to eat in Quincy Market.
In the evening I went to the outlets again with Rodrigo, Daniel, Paula, Alex y Nicole.

Friday, the last day in the High School and Shadow day. In the afternoon we went to the supermarket and Paula´s house to make typical Spanish foods and it was very funny. Later we went to other burnfire in Alex´s house

Saturday in the morning I went shopping, in the afternoon I went with Val, Nicole, Alex and Rodri to skate in a rink and in the evening the Haloween party. My custome was a football palyer

Sunday,my last day in America, a day very very very sad. All the people cried a lot. I want to come back.

The best experiencie in my life but I´m sure there will be second part! =)

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